Welcome to The Software Place, the place to get a bit of free software. I'm a small-time programmer who started who grew up on GWBasic/QBasic and a little Visual Basic. Now however I've moved on to Delphi V1, that came free with PC Format (July 1997). All the following programs, have been programmed during my spare time and are free for all. (except within nuclear installations! It seems a popular thing to put in license agreements, and I don't really want an explosion in the nuclear power station because someone was playing moon lander)
Before installing any of the programs, I recommend installing WinZip. Once this has been install, click on the link for the program you wish to download. Your browser should then give the option to save to disk or open the file. Choose to open the file. It will be download and passed on to WinZip. From within WinZip click the install button and the install program will run automatically (setup.exe).

Moon Lander

Windows Game
An alternative to Microsofts' WinMine as a 5 minute break. Try to land an Apollo moon module on any of the planets in our solor system, by controlling the engine thrust. Simple graphics, but still fun. PS. Don't be suprised if you can't land manage to land on Jupiter. It's gravity is just way too strong!!! mlinstal.zip